Open-Source Essentials By Hack2bfree


Open source in general refers to the softwares which are available for to the general public to serve their personal as well as professional usage.The beauty of open source is that the user can modify/change the original code in the program and can make their own distribution.The licenses of Open source is typically called as GPL (General Public License).


Open-Source : A Collaborative effort:

Unlike Closed-source,Open-source softwares are created by a group of programmers who are passion to introduce a new product and not for the sake of money,hence i called it as a collaborative effort in which programmers improve upon the code and share the changes within the community.The group may consists of programmers,hobbyists,organistion
They are several open-source softwares in the market for example vlc,ccleaner,nasa world wind,blender,android,teracopy irrespective of environment and usage open source is everywhere whether in operating systems,personal professional usage,education,media,medicine,science and engineering.

Now in this post i will reveal some of the best of open-source available in the internet which i'm personally using for different purposes which i called it as "Open-Source Essentials By Hack2bfree ".

Open-Source Essentials By Hack2bfree

1.Best Open-Source Operating Systems : Ubuntu


We know windows,Macintosh operating systems very well and they also became a part of our life,but we are the people who wish to see new things in our life,this type of passion in some peoples helps to create a new operating system called Ubuntu.Ubuntu is an operating system which is created on the basic kernel skelton of linux which is an operating source too.

Features Of Ubuntu:

1.User-Friendly Interface




2.Best Video Transcoder:HandBrake


Handbrake is a video compressor.It compress the videos to a greate extent than any other compressor in internet without effecting the video quality.Handbrake mainly concentrates of spaces left below in the video during encoding hence it compress the video with awesome quality.I will post another article of how to use handbrake in another post.Trust me it is the best one to use.


3.Best Virtual Box Manager:Oracle Vm Virtual Box


Most of the people have a question their mind "which is the best virtual manager between VMware and oracle vm virtual box"my vote is for oracle vm virtual box because

1.First reason is obvious it's an Open-source

2.Secondly it has the same functionalities of Vmware at smaller size.

3.Nice User-interface than vmware.

4.Easily Understandable

5.Official forum is available to post the discussions and queries on its usage.


4.Best Mobile Application For Call Tracking:True-Caller


True caller is a mobile application which can track calls from an anonymous number,it gives the name and circle and carrier of the number .It's free and the contacts list in the site is updated for every second.


The Post will be updated whenever i find new open Source Softwares

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